“Олон улсын хүмүүнлэгийн эрх зүйн шүүхийн мэтгэлцээний үндэсний аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн” (International Humanitarian Law Moot – an Inter-University Competition for Mongolia) -ийг Олон Улсын Улаан Загалмайн хороо, Монголын Улаан Загалмай Нийгэмлэгийн зүгээс дотоодын их, дээд сургуулиудтай хамтран Монгол Улсад 2014 оноос эхлэн зохион байгуулж буй бөгөөд энэ жил 10 дахь удаагаа 2024 оны 10 дугаар сарын 19-ний өдрүүдэд Их Засаг олон улсын их сургуулийн Хууль зүйн сургууль дээр зохион байгуулав.
Trusts law is thriving in the Asia-Pacific region. This comes as no surprise: Asia-Pacific is the world’s most populous region with the fastest economic growth rate; and the trust is well-known for its significant contribution to societal stability and economic prosperity. However, little is known about the use and development of trusts law in the region: Asia-Pacific’s rich cultural, linguistic, and ideological diversity, not to mention its multiplicity of legal traditions, poses analytical and practical challenges for an inclusive and systematic region-wide analysis of trusts law. Drawing on the pioneering project and book series “Asia-Pacific Trusts Law”, this seminar will reflect on five unique lessons that the region can offer to trusts law scholarship and practice. It will discuss: the status of trusts law in the region; the nature of the trust and how it affects the transplantation of trusts; the dimensions of the trust and how jurisdictions utilise them; constructive and resulting trusts; and choice of law rules for trusts.